Black Friday, Blackout Brain.

Black Friday is some sort of historic event, historical only in the fact that we fall for this nonsense every year. It’s merely another consumer holiday that the Corporations look forward to.

They have charts projecting throughout the year with demographics and stats on how much money they anticipate to manipulate us into buying on yet another contrived and irrelevant holiday. Another excuse to claim it’s sale time, when it’s actually CON time once again, as it is every few months.

As always we as a population of consuming fools, cannot resist.

Consumerism is a mental illness.

We run out, stand in lines,sleep in tents, fight each other, kick and claw to buy things we don’t need or want and if the stupid crap weren’t on sale we wouldn’t even think of buying them. Continue reading

Febreze, Don’t Buy

What is Febreze?

What does it do? And how does it do it, and when it’s finished, do I want what its done?
Maybe corporations think it will make me believe it has softened my clothes or cleaned my air. Did I need my air cleaned? Could I open a window? Could I live without this?

How is it created, with what chemicals, by what process and what about the data linking these chemically processed, useless products to cancer?
Corporations specialize in creating products we just don’t need, shouldn’t want and are bad for us. Without any conscious or integrity. Actually the process is more like creating a market through ads and hitting market groups then using chemicals to create a product that we don’t need but corporations manipulate us into believing we do.

So many ridiculous products on the market that people just stuff into their mouths, homes, children, cars and lives. They eat up worldly resources in the name of profit then fill up landfills and we slave away to feed the beast in adoration of its insane creations.

Lets compile a list and simple NEVER buy them again.

Why? Because we don’t need them and the corporations that create them should be dissolved.

Lets use our power.

Unify and contribute through action.

Coffee, Don’t buy.

That hot lovely liquid that surges our adrenals and makes us happy nervous.

Everyday we buy items that feed the beast. The beast that uses our hard earned money to fuel its own agenda. The beast that has enslaved the 99, the besast that will allow to live and breath its foul breath upon the each with consequence or guilt.

Coffee: Today get your caffeine fix from a local coffee shop or grind the beans yourself. Better yet skip the wretched soup and pocket the five dollars for food. We as a species survived long and well without the anxiety producing caffeine of coffee.

If we all stopped buying coffee alone, image the changes in your lifestyle, health and landscape as the corporate coffee giants fall. Starbucks could become a park on every corner. Continue reading

Local Buys

Buy Local.

Your neighbor Farmer’s Market has fresher food, often with less chemicals and poisons that corporations are forcing down our throats. They create this food from their own work and integrity. Support them and they will support us.

Make purchases from local stores, supporting commerce and profit in your area which will create jobs and invigorate our landscapes with valued costumers and recognized storekeepers.

Return the integrity of the monetary system to street level commerce.